Childhood Education M. Natsir

Childhood Education M. Natsir

Since childhood, Natsir has received religious education. When he finished formal school, he immediately recited the Koran during the day. Natsir Learn things related to religion and Arabic. The first education he received as a child was going to a Class II School in Maninjau, namely the People’s School (SR), which used Malay as the language of instruction, where Natsir entered the second grade. Then when his father was transferred to Bekeru, he was invited by his mother Ibrahim to move to Padang so that he could enter HIS. His wish to enter HIS was not fulfilled because he was the son of a lowly employee. Finally, he entered the private HIS school at Adabiah in Padang (Haryono, 1978: 5-6).
Since he was still in school, Natsir has been active in the organization. At first only a regular Jong Islamieten Bond (JIB) member, but later became chairman of the Bandung branch. After graduating from school, he entered the magazine Pembela Islam; besides being active in JIB, he also could not escape from the Committee for the Defender of Islam which published the magazine (Rosidi, 1990:222).
Natsir’s motivation to enter JIB was because he was concerned about Western influences on the educated. At AMS, for example, he saw many Muslim youths showing Western-style thinking and socializing in their daily lives. They proudly identify with the Dutch. That pride often turns into arrogance. Islam, in their eyes, seems despicable and backward, far from the impression of progressive modern religion. Natsir, at that time, felt for himself how significant the influence of Western books in English, Dutch and others was as the cause of the situation above.

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