History Education Study Program, Faculty of Social Science Education (FPIPS) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) was originally the first major (Department of Cultural History) at the Teacher Education College (PTPG), which was inaugurated on October 20, 1954. PTPG Bandung was integrated into Padjadjaran University on November 25, 1958, as the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP). In 1963 FKIP became the Bandung Teacher Training and Education Institute (IKIP) and finally changed to the Indonesian Education University (UPI) on October 7, 1999.
To achieve the vision, mission, goals, and objectives of the study program, the History Education Study Program is supported by various supporting components identified as potential (strengths-opportunities) and problems (weaknesses-threats). The UPI governance system is built on the legal basis of Law no. 12/2012 concerning Higher Education and Government Regulation Number 15 of 2014 concerning the UPI statute, which has established UPI as an independent Legal Entity State University. In governance, governance, and cooperation, several components of policies, programs, and achievement targets. There are two aspects in the realm of policy: institutional arrangement and image enhancement, partnership, and internationalization. Program planning and management are carried out regarding the UPI FPIPS Strategic Plan for five years. To improve the quality of the History Education Study Program, we have partnered with the ‘Indonesian History Study Program Association’ (PPSI), and the ‘Indonesian History Education Study Program Association’ (P3SI), as well as with the district/municipality ‘History Teacher Conference’ (MGMP). Bandung
In 2020 based on the Higher Education Database (PD Dikti), the total number of students of the History Education Study Program is 426, spread across the 2016-2020 batch of students. The History Education Study Program has 18 permanent lecturers who are actively teaching. However, at PD Dikti, it is spread over three levels: the S1 level, ten lecturers, while the S2 and S3 groups have eight lecturers. Therefore, the ratio of permanent lecturers of the History Education Study Program to undergraduate students is 1: 43. In terms of qualifications, it can be explained that 45% of lecturers have master academic degrees, 28% of lecturers with Doctoral academic qualifications, and 17% of lecturers are Professors.
Through the Annual Activity Plan and Budget (RKAT), programs related to the implementation of education, research and development, community service, student affairs, institutional arrangements, and management systems, and so on are implemented. Currently, the History Education Study Program has an innovative representative class for conducting online lectures and the practice of making learning media in a limited scope.
In developing the curriculum, it is discussed at the local (MGMP) and national levels through professional associations, namely the Association of Indonesian History Education Study Programs (P3SI) in 2018. The curriculum must contain learning outcomes regarding level 6 (six) descriptions of the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI), which is following Presidential Decree No. 8 of 2012 and Permenristekdikti No. 44 of 2015 concerning National Standards for Higher Education (SN-Dikti).
The history education study program carries out research and Community Service (PKM) following the policies that apply at UPI. Sources of funding include PKM grants from study program RKAT funds, Lecturer Development Program, and Institutional Capacity (PDKI) at the Indonesian University of Education (UPI). The University coordinates everything through the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM). Several studies and PKM involve students under the umbrella of lecturer research. It is hoped that with this program, students can compile scientific works in the form of theses and accelerate their study period.
The History Education Study Program has a relatively large number of graduates. They generally work as educators (teachers and lecturers). Some work in several other institutions, and some directly continue their education to a higher level. In keeping up with the times, the study program also prepares undergraduate students to take the educator competency test, organized through elective courses. It’s just that because it is not required and is constrained by costs, no students have taken the competency test. It is hoped that there will be opportunities for students to take this competency test more efficiently in the future.
In connection with the activities carried out by students of the History Education Study Program in the academic and non-demic fields, there are quite a lot. However, not many achievements have been achieved. What has been achieved is funding from the Ministry of Research and Technology for Constructive Futuristic Ideas (GFK) and Humanities Social Research PKM (RSH), as well as Indonesian Student Entrepreneurial Activities (KBMI). It is hoped that many proposals will pass to be funded by the Ministry of Research and Technology in the future, with efforts to screen students from the first semester.