
One of the standards that underlies the preparation of the Research Master Plan (RIP) of the University of Indonesia Education (UPI) for 2021-2025 is the National Research Standard. Article 53 paragraph (1a) states that research management institutions must prepare and develop research program plans following the Higher Education Research strategic plan and the UPI Research Master Plan (RIP) for 2021-2025, which are policy directions and decision making in research management. Institutional research in question is institutional excellence research described through strategic dimensions and objectives, research roadmap, research focus, and institutional excellence research. The development of research excellence at this institution refers to minor research units such as laboratories, expertise groups (KBK), and study programs to the largest departments on regional, national, and international research priorities. In carrying out research, UPI adheres to inter and multi-disciplinary research principles, collaboration across units, across fields of science at UPI or institutions and universities in Indonesia, even though various partnerships with institutions and universities abroad and other institutions, non-governmental organizations, and industry.

The priority for developing research fields in 2021-2025 is to mature academic and research culture to support facilities that are reliable, efficient, and quickly transformed. This priority implies that UPI needs to provide support for research facilities (including policies, guidelines, programs, facilities, infrastructure, and funding) so that the academic culture and research among UPI academics support the realization of a pioneering and superior vision of UPI.

Referring to the FPIPS Strategic Plan, in the field of research, increasing funding support capacity, collaboration networks, and productivity of research implementation which has an impact on increasing the number of scientific publications and in journals with national, regional, and international publications is a top priority in the field of research. Improvement of quality standards and capacity for conducting research and strengthening the capacity of lecturers in journals of international reputation. Student involvement in research is the focus.

To connect the research conducted by lecturers with the learning process carried out, the study program developed a research umbrella. Each lecturer must refer to the research umbrella following their competence and educational background. The research carried out will continue to be in line with the field of study that is their competence. Another effort is to involve students in research activities to research as part of their learning assignments.

Undergraduate research work is basic research with a research area for the content (material/pure) field. For example, in the History Education Study Program, the theme relates to the biographies of figures, historical events in the local, national, regional, and world scope. Besides thematic historical research, such as economic history, education, industry, agriculture, etc. Then, for education, the themes include Learning Resources, Learning Media, Curriculum and History Learning, History Learning Models, etc. This research work is published at national and international levels. It is hoped that it can bridge academics, practitioners, and professionals and contribute to the development of science and find solutions to problems in society.

The History Education Study Program has produced quality research that is qualified to strengthen scientific disciplines that have increased from year to year. This is shown by many analyses published by lecturers in national accredited scientific conferences and journals and indexed international journals. Many Lecturers of the History Education Study Program have received national and international recognition through various scientific activities. This also shows the comprehensive network in developing and implementing their expertise in the community. In addition, the History Education Study Program has 2 (two) journals, namely HISTORIA (indexed nationally with SINTA 4) and FACTUM (in the process of applying for accreditation), which are media for lecturers to publish their research results.

The research conducted by the lecturers is based on expertise in their respective fields, both concerning Classroom Action Research (CAR) and historical content. Many studies are supported by budgeting from DPRM, UPI, Study Programs, and independently. So far, the study program lecturers have conducted Basic Research with various schemes, including Research on Development and Affirmation of Research for Young Lecturers and Collaborative Research for Laboratory School Lecturers and Teachers. Applied Research with Competency Strengthening Research and Learning Innovation Research (Teaching Innovation) schemes. And Development Research with the Leading Research Scheme Oriented to Intellectual Property Rights and the UPI Leading Research Program.

In 2017, Study Program received two research grants from the DPRM and two research grants from the university. That number continues to grow. In 2018, Study Program received three research funds from the DPRM and three research funds from UPI. In 2019, the study program received 12 research grants, namely three from DPRM and nine from university funds. Plus, research funds from the faculty were as much as one title and study funds as much as one title. In 2021 and 2021, there will be a decrease in the number of researches, namely 9 in 2020 (8 university funds and one DPRM fund) and five kinds of research in 2021 (one DPRM fund and 4 UPI funds). Nevertheless, the study program spends funds for two types of research, and the faculties also spend research funds.

According to regulations, any research funded by DPRM to the study program level must involve students in their study. The average students who are included are final year students who are carrying out their thesis. The mandatory outputs of the Basic Research classification are Publications in Journals, Proceedings or Books, and Research Results in Models, theories, etc. Required outputs from the category of Applied Research are Publications in Journals, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), IPR Trials, and Research Results in the form of products, prototypes, etc. And the mandatory outputs of Development Research are Publications in Journals, Intellectual Property Rights, etc.

The History Education Study Program has a Lecturer Expertise Group (KBK), which is the basis for lecturers in researching to become the expertise of each lecturer. However, the KBK History Education Study Program has not functioned optimally, especially with this KBK being the basis of research in developing the field of expertise of lecturers. The research atmosphere of the lecturers of the History Education Study Program has grown. This is indicated by the achievement of competitive funds from various domestic funding sources. Although the History Education Study Program still needs to show quality to get funding abroad and be recognized internationally through research collaboration. Due to research collaborations with universities and research centers internationally, study programs can develop and disseminate superior research results (publications) in the scientific field and are recognized more broadly and globally.