Beginners’ Diplomatic Missions

At the beginning of Indonesia’s independence, diplomacy was necessary because many countries did not know that Indonesia had become independent. This is because Indonesian news can still not compete with news broadcast by the Netherlands in international forums. In 1947, many diplomatic efforts had been carried out. Indonesian diplomats who fought through diplomacy included Sutan Syahrir, Haji Agus Salim, A.R. Baswedan (Indonesian Minister of Information), Rasyidi (Secretary General of the Ministry of Religion), Dr. Mr. Nazir St. Pamunjtak.
There is no doubt about the skills of diplomats in diplomacy, including the lobbying process. The power of lobbying in diplomatic activities cannot be considered a one-sided effort, sometimes in an informal atmosphere; through a lobbying approach, our interlocutors will better understand and accept our opinions. This is confirmed by the thought of Mohamad Roem (1972: 216-218):
” […] We, the Indonesian people, have just set foot in the field of diplomacy. They found people like Hadji Salim and others fluent in several Western European languages. They exchanged conversations with their top-level diplomats as if diplomacy for the Indonesian people was a job that had also been carried out for centuries.”

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