The Association of Indonesian History Education Study Programs (P3SI) collaborates with the History Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Prof. Muhammadiyah University. Dr. Hamka (UHAMKA) held a webinar to commemorate the national awakening day on Tuesday, May 25, 2021, held in a virtual conference through a zoom meeting due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Initial remarks from the General Chairperson of P3SI Dr. Abdul Syukur, M. Hum (Lecturer of History Education, State University of Jakarta (UNJ)). In his speech, “to commemorate the services of Budi Oetomo in which Dr. Soetomo and Dr. Wahidin Soedirohusodo formed an organization with Boedi Oetomo, which set the milestone for the spirit of a national revival against the Dutch colonial rulers at that time.” Abdul Syukur expressed his gratitude for all parties’ cooperation so that this webinar activity could take place.
Present as resource persons were the Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Padang State University, Dr. Siti Fatimah, M.Pd., M.Hum; The Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences & Law, Makassar State University, Prof. Dr. Jumadi, S.Pd., M.Si; and the Dean of FKIP UHAMKA Dr. Desvian Bandarsyah, M.Pd.
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