Students criticize Lecturer

Students criticize Lecturer

When he was a student, Sjafruddin Prawiranegara was attracted to the views of several professors who adhered to the ideology of Ethical Politics and Associations and were willing to contribute to the progress of the Indonesian nation. He often discusses with them, including Prof. Logeman and Prof. Van Asbek. On the other hand, he did not like Prof. Eggens, who is conservative, and demeans the indigenous culture by stating that Indonesian will not be the language of science because it is a primitive language.
Because of his frustration, in a magazine published by USI, Sjafruddin mentioned Prof. Eggens as Een Hollandse Kwajongen (A Stupid and Stupid Dutchman). The article shocked the RHS environment, so the RHS Senate formally asked Sjafruddin to file an apology. The request was answered by stating that he just wanted to apologize if Prof. Eggens first apologized to the Indonesian people in general, and Indonesian students in particular, for his statement, which was utterly unwise, unscientific, and an insult to the intellect and creativity of the Indonesian nation. Presumably, with this answer, it is considered the problem has been resolved because there has been no follow-up from the Senate.

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